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 Orcs Et Gobelins

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9 participants


Messages : 212
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2008
Age : 27
Localisation : loin...

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMar 7 Déc - 15:01

Voilà , GW l'a annoncé , les prochaines nouveautés seront Les Orcs Et Gobs de Warhammer Battle , avec surement un nouveau Codex et de nouvelles figs ! alien
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Messages : 484
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Equeurdreville

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMar 7 Déc - 16:08

je ne sais pas où tu as vu çà mais certainement pas sur le site de games...
tu fume ou quoi Ulysse...??? scratch
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Messages : 861
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2008
Age : 40
Localisation : caen/cherbourg

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMar 7 Déc - 17:18

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Messages : 260
Date d'inscription : 18/11/2008
Age : 50
Localisation : vauville

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMar 7 Déc - 18:26

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cheers

y a bon des ork et encore des orks !!!!!!!!!!

j'espère que les nouveaux kits seront à la hauteur ....

Comme l'épaisseur de mon porte monnaie lol!
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Messages : 404
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2009
Age : 41
Localisation : Equeurdreville

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMar 7 Déc - 18:55

c'était sur le site games hier....
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Messages : 212
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2008
Age : 27
Localisation : loin...

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMar 7 Déc - 19:41

Moi non mais toi tu devrais sérieusement arreter bom
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Messages : 791
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2008
Age : 36
Localisation : equeurdreville

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMar 7 Déc - 21:01

super ! des O&G fiables ? ce serais trés bon ca !
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Messages : 169
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2008
Localisation : Au fond à droite

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMar 7 Déc - 23:08

Des orcs et gobs fiables? Pis quoi encore! Celui qui veux du fiable n'a qu'à jouer des nains!
Bon question rêgles je pense qu'il y avait plus urgent mais bon, ça fera de belles figs, et ça montre que les O&G restent une armée populaire.
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Messages : 484
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Equeurdreville

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMer 8 Déc - 1:23

pffff fais chier... marre de jouer des armée v6 j'arrête battle pour le moment... Mad
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Messages : 484
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Equeurdreville

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMar 28 Déc - 18:00

bon confirmation de la date de sortie des nouveau orques et gobelins pour mars 2011.
c'est sur le site games dans l'astronimican.
il y aura une armée avant normalement car games à décidé de sortir des armées par duo. (ce que je trouve pas mal ma foi)
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Messages : 212
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2008
Age : 27
Localisation : loin...

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMar 8 Fév - 20:18

rques et gobelins confirmés pour mars.

The current state of rumours:

The new O&G book is confirmed for March 2011, see the GW Incoming! article.

Pre-orders will be up at February the 9th. With releases the 5th and 13th of March. It is yet unclear what will be released when.

According to Harry, "in 8th edition, and starting with Orcs and Goblins we can expect a whole different kind of army book. Obviously many of the same sections will be there but expect something a bit different." The army book is rumoured to be hardcover, and to be a good bit bigger than the current one.

We get 3 new plastic sets and 3 new blisters:


* Savage Orc Boyz
* Savage Orc Boar Boys
* the Aracharok Spider


* Wurrzag on foot
* Savage Orc Great shaman on boar - He is repudetedly standing on the boar and the boar is a metal version of the new boars with slightly bigger horns and some savage orc adornements (feather/bone)
* a third blister of (yet) unknown content

Things we do not get:

* Orcs do NOT get devestating charge (hastings).
* Hobgoblins.
* common forrest goblins (on foot).
* Orc Idols and some huge cave beast (though we might hope Warhammer Forge may come up with something nice, eh? But nothing is in the pipelines just yet according to people that talked to them at Games Day UK)
* Plastic Sguigs
* Black Orc Boar Boys
* Skirmishing giant spider riders
* new common Goblins on foot and wolf
* new Boyz on foot

For a future wave release, there might be new common goblins and wolf riders in the pipeline.

We keep all current special characters(that includes Grom in his chariot!) and get Wurzzag and two goblin special characters; both heroes, one of which is a forest goblin on a giant spider (aka cavalry base spider) for a total of 15 lord choices and 11 hero choices!

We get a new model, the Arachnarok spider. It can be taken as a mount for a common goblin great shaman, or it can be a rare choice. As a rare choice it will have options for some warmachine thing or other special rule in that regard.

Common goblins will get some sort of a unit upgrade. Hastings hinted at something that has two handweapons but is not an assasin.

(Common) Goblin characters will be able to ride Giant and Gigantic spiders, so an all spider army should be viable (by Hastings).

Also we may be getting another new unit besides the Arachnarok, though it is unclear what it is at the moment.

In contrast to the GW article - were Ork Boyz are said to be not replaced - it seems that these three products are discontinued for the moment:

Orc & Goblins Army Book
Orc Warriors Regiment
Orc & Goblins Batalion

This makes sense for the book and the batalion; the Boyz could get a new box art.
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Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMer 9 Fév - 19:06

regardez en bas de page les belles photos
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Messages : 861
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2008
Age : 40
Localisation : caen/cherbourg

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMer 9 Fév - 19:21

très belles figs surtout les orcs sauvages à pied.... par contre les monteurs de cochons.... Suspect
bon le prix du bouquin fait très mal.... mais de manière général je pense qu'il y en a quelques uns qui vont être contents.... Razz
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Messages : 212
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2008
Age : 27
Localisation : loin...

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeMer 9 Fév - 21:17

Je pense que je vais prendre les sauvages à pattes pour me faire des snakebites , et peut être l'araignée pour un chariot volé ? à voir , j'ai deja un squigoth a convertir ( pas gargantuesque bien sur ) ..
Sinon très belle fig , et je lorgne sur le chaman spé pour un bizarboy haut en couleur
Sinon je précise , le livre d'armée est tout en couleur et cartonné , ce qui justifierais le prix , de plus , 120 pages , ça vaudra ptet le coup , à voir pour les joueurs O&G
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Messages : 169
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2008
Localisation : Au fond à droite

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Fév - 0:20

Du tout bon, particulièrement la grosse bêbête qui est hallucinante! Le full gobs fera moins rigoler (enfin c'est déjà moins le cas en v8 pour avoir testé...).
Les orcs sauvages c'est du tout bon, même si j'adorais les métals... on perd un peu plus le coté plus bête que méchant des anciennes figs O&G, mais bon je deviens un vieux raleur voila tout. Et les bozs orcs classique prennent un bon coup de vieux...

Les Zigouillards gobs.... au niveau figs ça va mais pour moi le concept frise l'hérésie! Les seuls vrais assassins sont ELFES NOIRS môssieur!
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Messages : 558
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2008
Age : 41

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Fév - 12:48

des photos et des précos !

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Messages : 861
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2008
Age : 40
Localisation : caen/cherbourg

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Fév - 14:32

des news du warfo:

nouvelle unité, en rare, un squig géant, <>, mvt 3D6. Il ne peut
pas arriver au contact d'une unité, il la traverse (ami ou ennemi). Il
inflige 2D6 touches F6 (perfo je crois) a l'unité. Endu 4, 3pv. J'ai
pas compris la condition mais il peut devenir fou furieux. Dans ce cas
la direction est elle aussi aléatoire.

Les chariots à pompe, <> comme actuel. Possibilité de 3 améliorations :
- +1D6 en mouvement aléatoire (<> je crois)
- +1 en F au touches d'impact
- Touches d'impact sans save le premier tour

chamanes gobs de la nuit jettent 1D6 supplémentaire, Après les autre
dès de pouvoir, et si le sort passe. Sur un 2 ou + rien de spe, on
l'ajoute simplement. Sur un 1, on relance 1D6 et le sort ne passe pas.
Sur 3 ou moins on prend 1pv sans save en plus. 4+ rien d'autre.

Arachnarock : <>
attaque empoisonné, immunisé psycho
injection de venin : une des Attaques doit être jeté séparement, si elle touche et blesse elle cause la blessure multiple 1D6pv.
être prise en monture de Seigneur chamane gob commun. Dans ce cas tout
les shaman a 12ps ont +2 pour canaliser, et lui a maitre du savoir
(connait tout le domaine)
Si en rare peut avoir une cata en option
(une sorte de lance filet). F1(3 au centre), pas d'accident de tir (ne
tir simplement pas), blessure multiple 1D3. Si Hit l'unité gagne la
régle Frappe tjrs en dernier jusqu'au prochain tour.


Plongeur de la mort identique. Lance roc identique, mais en rare <>.

: Amélioration des gobs commun, <>, Frappe en premier, perforant.
Lors du tour ou ils sont dévoilé ils ont coup fatal.

Orque noirs pareil que maintenant mais gagne quand même immunisé psycho.

de squig, on paie gobs et squig séparement <> ne peuvent être
rejoint par des perso. Si fuit, explose, 1D6tf5 dans un rayon de 2D6,
+1 touches par tranche de 5 squig encore en vie.

de squig a <>. Si triple 6 sur le mouvement il gagne Impact(1)
jusque la fin du tour. Peuvent être rejoint par un perso sur squig
géant contrairement a ce que la règle mouvement aléatoire dit.

commun a <>, profil comme maintenant, en spe. Troll de piere et
d'eau pour 10pts je crois, en rare, même règle que maintenant.

orque 16pts, chevaucheur OS a <>. Les OS peuvent avoir une arme
de base supp pour 2pts, mais ajoute dans ce cas +1 a leur jet de
terrain dangereux.

Gobs de la nuit comme actuel. Les rétiaire
passe a <>, même effet. Il peuvent avoir gratos les lance ou
echanger leur bouclard contre arc court

Gobs commun <>, lance bouclard et arc court pour<>.

Chevaucheur d'araigné a 13pts, chevaucheur de loup a <>

Géant comme maintenant, <> peut avoir des tatouages magique pour <> (invu a 6)

mere des araigné et les chevaucheur d'araignées sont des spécialiste de
l'assaut de batiment. Il ne compte que comme une fig pour les assauts.
Il ne peuvent toutefois pas tenir un batiment.

Les OS sauvage
a pied, toujours pas accés au ban magique, amélioration d'unité, pour
20pts, une enorme lance qui cause 1D3 touche d'impact F5 (j'ai pas fait
gaf combien on pouvait en prendre par unité).

La régle Kikoup devient +1 en F au 1er round de Cac quelque soit l'arme, magique ou non (ON a F7 Orcs Et Gobelins Biggrin )

La vouivre même profils que maintenant, <>

On attaque la partie magie.

du GBR. Attribut pour la petite et grande Waagh. Pour la petite, pour
chaque sort lancé avec succés, on jette 1D6. Sur un 5+ on vole un dès
de dissip a l'adversaire que l'on ajoute a ses dès de pouvoirs.

Le sort Waagh semble avoir disparu.

Plein de blast dans la grande Waagh, plein de boost dans la petite.

Un sort dans un rayon de 2D6ps, toute les unité relance leur toucher raté.

Un sort qui fait le même effet que la bannière de la nuit (voir plus bas)

Un sort qui donne attaques empoisonné, si déjà ça passe a poisone 5+.

Je crois avoir vu un sort perfo aussi.

Dans la grande Waagh j'ai vu déplace une unité a 3D6ps, boostable a 5D6ps, mais ne peut pas servir a amener au contact.

Coté OM, 8, j'ai vu :

Une bannière a <> file RM1D6, et tout les unité en contact perdent leur OM

Une bannière a <>, bann araignée, l'unité gagne attaque empoisonné a 5+

bannière a <>, bann de la nuit, les gobs de la nuit sont tenace
dans l'unité, ils sont a couvert leger et chaque fig en contact doit
faire un test de terrain dangereux.

Une arme <>, +1D6 en
force et en attaque, mais on enleve le D6 obtenue divisé par deux a la
CC (on fait 6, on gagne +6 en F et en A, et -3 a la Cc)

Un baton qui fait tout en contact test de Cmd ou meurt

Un Om qui améliore l'invu des OS

objet a <>, +1D3 en endu, on test a chaque premiere blessure de
chaque tour pour savoir le bonus pendant ce tour. Rajoute 1D6 t impact.

Je crois avoir vu également de nouveaux perso spé mais pas zieuté en détails.

Une énorme partie Fluff et de nombreuse photos, full color, et cartonné.

Magnifique j'avais les larmes au yeux (un petit regrets pour les OM mais bon on peut pas tout avoir ...)
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Messages : 861
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2008
Age : 40
Localisation : caen/cherbourg

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeDim 13 Fév - 12:14

Bram Gaunts OnG summary

Disclaimer: I will repeat some things
that already were said. I will only talk about -new- things. I will not
talk about pointcosts. I have a raging headache, so there will be more
mispelling than usual.

General Rules

Animosity: Each Unit
with the Animosity special rule with at least 5 moldels wit hthat rule
rolls 1d6 at beginning of their players turn. 2+ nothing happens, and
the unit may act normally.

You do not toll for animosity as long as you man a building.

On a roll of 1, roll a D6 again, and consult the following chart to see what happens.

The unit deals D6 S3 autohits to the nearest friendly unit with: at
least 5 models that have the animosity rule, within 12 inches. The
'hit' unit afterwards deals D6 S3 hits to the quarreling unit. If
there's no valid 'target', treat this result as a 2-5
Hordes caus 2D6 hits.
This never causes panic.
units may not perform any other action in this turn. The 'victim' does
not have to roll for animosity this turn - they are to busy fighting

2-5: The unit has to declare an attack at the nearest
valid enemy unit. If there is no target, the greenskins start to attack
each other. Nothing happens, but the unit may not move, attack, shoot
or cast spells for the following turn.

6. "Who's da best? Yes,
dat's us. Let's get 'em!" The unit is aligned towards the nearest enemy
unit and performs a regular move action towards that unit (it may not
march, and stops 1 inch before enemy units. ). Afterwards, the unit may
act normal. If there is no visible opponent the unit moves straight
EG: A unit of Goblin Wolf Riders rolls a 1, followed by a
6, for animosity. You measure the distance to all enemy units, and find
that a unit of Highelf Reavers, standing 20" away in their flank, is
the nearest unit. The goblins are now turned on spot (as they would be
if they were to persue an enemy) and are moved 9 inches towards the
reavers afterwards. They may declare a charge, move, march or fire
their weapons at will.

A model with a Choppa
increases it's strength characteristics by 1 for each first round of
close combat. This does not apply to mounts of any kind. It applys to
magical weapons aswell.

Fear Elves:
Any Elven Unit causes fear for a unit with this special rule.

Size matters:
never have to pass a panic test caused by a unit that is only composed
from goblins or creatures ridden by goblins (that goes for the
arachnarok spider aswell)

You may have one unit total per army.


Ork Warbosses (any kind)
Profile the same. Orc Warbosses have light armour, black orc warbosses heavy armour as standard loadout.

Waaagh! Special rule.
per game, a Orc Warboss who is the army general of any kind (Savage or
Black or Vanilla) may declare a Waaagh, after he declared a valid
charge. For the rest of the turn all units of Boar Boys (any kind) or
Orcs (any kind) that have at least 5 models gain +1 on their combat
resolution. The Generals unit gains +D3 instead. (Yes, that rule is

Surpress Animosity (Black Orc Characters) If a unit fails
their animosity check, the Boss deals D6 S5 hits, that may not be
allocated to the boss and never cause panic.

Shaman - no change.

I don't know if it was the case earlier, but great orc shaman may mound a wyvern now.


Arrar Boys Boss gains +1 BS instead of +1 A/WS

Boar Boys:
changes in stats. Come with a hand weapon and light armour at moderate
point costs. Big un upgrade and weapons upgrades are a little cheaper.
Overall I personally still don't deem them worthy...

Orc Chariot
No changes. Keeps spears and the option on 3rd crew member.

Black Orcs
Points dropped (or point drop), gained ItP

Savage ORcs
orcs gain the impact-spear. It'S a unit upgrade that can be taken once.
The unit deals D3 S5 impact hits (which deal D3 wounds at large
creatures) as long as it has at least 1 rank of 5 models behind the
first.. You have to nominate 1 model that causes the hits at the
beginning of close combat.

Savage Boar Boys
Savage Boar Boys
gain +1 attack from fighting with 2 handweapons, but they suffer
casulties for dangerous terrain on a roll of 1-2.

Goblin Bosses (any kind) - no changes. They may NOT declare a Waaagh.

Goblin Shaman
Goblin Shaman now have magic shrooms (don't know what they are called)
as a default loadout. they have to take one at east attempt to cast a
spell. They add D6 on their casting attempt.
This is not counted a
power dice and therefor may not trigger irresistable force. If the
goblin rolls a 1 for the shroom he loses a wound on a roll of 4+ and
the cast is automatically considered a miscast (meaning it fails) as
long as he doesn't roll irresistable force with the power dice.

Upgrade costs at the same price as skaven clanrats.
Nigh Goblins may get to pic either bows or spears for free instead.
Gitz (those new chars) are treated as characters and may not leave the
unit. They are hidden just as skaven/DE assassins, nut have to be
revealed at 1st round of cc. they may be targetted individually.
Thay gain killing blow at first round of combat.
They have a S of 3, 2 A, WS 2.

Goblin Wolfriders
remain light cavallery with 4+ AS.

Goblin Chariots
the same, same options.

Rock Lobba - the same

Spear Chukka:
If you roll a 1 to hit you roll on the misfire chart of Stonethrowers from the rulebook.

Doom Divers
Fires like a Stonethrower, but still deals D6 S5 hits with no AS allowed.
may hit several units with the doom diver theoratically, as you use his
base (the winged guy on the skimemr base) to determine who's hit.

May move across obstacles and Buildings without penaltys, but not end their movement atop of them (or in them)
They can fight in buildings and keep all benefits from being mounted. Mount and rider count as 1 model.

Arachnarok Spider
Where to start?
causes Terror, Large Target, Stubborn, Fast Movement, Wallclimber (may
move over buildings like Spider Riders), Poisoned attacks (spider only)

attacs in CC are fought against the Spider. You cannot attack the
goblin crew in any way. If it's mounted by a great shaman the shaman is
hit by all ranged attacks on a roll of 5+

It has a Crew of 8 goblins armed with bows and spears.

blow: befor rolling to hit with the spider you have to pick one of it'S
attacks and roll that seperate. This attack deals multiple wounds (D6)

is a Stone thrower with S 1(3), units hit suffer from always strikes
last until the End of the spiders NEXT turn (3 rounds of cc totally).
It may fire and move, but not march. Misfire means it just doesn't fire
at all.

Shrine: +2 to channel for all friendly mages within 12", shaman on top gains Master of Lores

Fanatics: The same as before, only that they are counted as being in light cover.

Squigs: No characters may join squig herds.

Squig Rider
Cavallery, skirmishers. If you roll a triple 6 for movement, each squig causes impact hit (1)
Cave Squig: A character mounted on a giant cave squig may join squig
riders. Ig he does the unit may reroll their movement roll.

Squig fanatics:
S6, T4, W3.
They move 3D6 inches until they come in contact wit a unit. From there on they act like fanatics. Counting to be in light cover.

Work like fanatics, only that they deal 2D6 S6 armourpiercing attacks.

Trolls: Same as before
Stone Trolls: 5+ scaly save, MR (2)

River Trolls: as befor.

Snotlings: Special Coice.
Boom shroom: Boom shrooms are a thrown wapon that hits automatically and ignores armour saves.

snotling chariot
several upgrades, like dealing stronger impact hits, first impact hits ignore armour saves, more movement, etc.

Gorbad Ironclaw

His wapon grant him ASF, ignores Armour saves and causes multiple wounds (d3)
Works as General and BSB within 18 inches all the time
you may field as many biguns as you want with gorbad
as long as he lives all units within 18 inches from him get a bonus of his current wounds on their rolls on the animosity chart.

Lvl 3 Wizard using lore of death
all orcs within 18 inches of azhag have to reroll failed animosity checks

Lvl 4 wizard
Squig: may store up to 1 power or dispel dice per (regarding who's turn
it is) to be used in the next magic phase. (either as a power or dispel
Has MR (3) and may reroll miscast rolls.
5+ wardsave through his warpaint
His mask contains the spell "Destructive Glare", see magic section later on.

Fury: Curse spell, 8+. all enemy casters within 12 " have to roll 1 d6.
They are removed from play with no saves allowed on a roll of 6,
including their mounts. For each killd wizard Wurrzhag gains 1 die in
his furry squig, and the capacity for stored dice is increased by 1.

no change, but he may declare a Waaagh which affects all Goblin infantry or cavallery in adition to all orc units.

weapon contains a bound spell, level 5: Deals D3 S6 hits with no armour
saves allowed. Increased to D6 hits if he'S within 12 " to a night
goblin horde.

At the beginning of the game roll a D6 for each
emeny unit. On a roll of 6 they are delayed and arrive in their owners
1st turn via reinforcements.

Nightgoblin Units that rallied after chosing 'flee' may move after regrouping, as if they were light cavallery.

Snagla Magotspitta
Spider Cavallery character. (he's a hero choice, not an upgrade.)
he has poisoned attacks and dals multiple wounds (D3) - he has a one time thrown weapon with the same rule.
He has to join a unit of spider cavallery. They get hatred (Imperium).

Gitilla the Hunta
Wolfrider Character
He and his unit of wolf riderz gain +1 BS and may reroll flee and persuit rolls.
HE has a Sultiple shots (3) Bow

Grimgore Ironhide
Looses 2 Attacks and drops in points. Same weapon, same armour.
He has a choppa (and therefor S8 in first round of combat...)
He may declare a Waaagh!
He has to join a unit of Black Orcs, and no other character may join that unit.
The unit gains hatred (everyone, every last of 'em) and increases it's weapon skill by 1 (yes, that's for free)

I'm sorry, I don't know casting values.

The small Waaagh!
thievery: After a small waaagh spell is succesfully cast (and not
dispelled), roll a D6. You gain 1 powerdice on a roll of 5+, while your
oponnent loses a dispel dice. if he has no more dispel dice, this has
no effect.

Base spell: Naughty Stabbing
targetted unit within
12 inches gains armour piercing attacks. In adition they may reroll
hits and wounds when they attack an enemy in the flank or rear.

1st spell: Destructive Glare
magic missile, 24". Deals 2D6 S3 hits, or if boosted, 3D6 S3 hits.

2nd spell: Gift of the Spider God
targetted friendly unit gets poisoned attacks, or the effect of exsisting poison is increased to 5+.

3rd spell: Itching
enemy unit reduces it's Movement and Initiative characteristics by D6
(minimum of 1). Units with the random movement rule reduce the dice
rolled to determine their movement by D3 (and still suffer D6 penalty
on their I score)

4: Gork will fix it:
Targeted enemy unit has to reroll all To hit, to wound and armour saves of 6.

5: Nightshroud.
unit is treated as being in light cover. All enemy units getting in b2b
ontact with the affected unit have to take a test for dangerous
terrain. May be expanded to all friendly units within 12".

6: Bad Moon's Curse
Magic Whirl. 3" template, moved 4D6 in a straight line away from the
caster in a direction of his chosing. All models touched by the
template have to pass a test on the following characteristic, or louse
one wound with no AS allowed (roll a D6 to determine the
1-2: Initiative
3-4: toughness
5-6: strength.
May be boosted to 5" template and characteristic of the wizard's chosing.

Big Waagh!
long as there are more Orc units in CC than there are fleeing Orc units
the strength characteristic of all spells from the big Waaagh is
increased by 1.

Base Spell: Mork (or Gork)'s gaze: Draw a 4D6"
line away from the caster. Each model touched suffers a S4 hit. May be
boosted to 6D6

1st spell: Brainbursta: Pick one enemy model within LoS and 18". Targetted model gains 1 S5 hit. May boost range.

2nd spell: Gorks Fists: Caster gains +3A, +3 S and 6+ ward save. RiP.

3rd spell: Gorks hand:
one model from the frst rank of targetted friendly unit. Place it with
alignement of your chosing within 3D6 inches of former location, and
arrange the unit in same formation around it. May be boosted to 5D6.

4th spell: Headbutt
Targeted enemy caster within 4D6 inches suffers a S4 multiple wounds (D3) hit withou AS. Range may be boosted to 6D6.

5th spell: Let's get going:
Affacts all friendly orc units within "d& inches. They may reroll to hit rolls in Close combat.

6th spell: Gorks Feet.
the Gork's Feet template (yes, it's back.) within 36 inches of the
shaman, and scatter it D6 inches. all touched models suffer a S6 hit
that causes multiple wounds (D3)

afterwards, roll a D6.
1: Gork Slippes (or was shoved by Mork) and stomps upon one of your own units
2-3: Gork Wanders off (spell ends)
4+: stomp again (either a different unit, or the same one.)
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Messages : 558
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2008
Age : 41

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeDim 13 Fév - 23:28

En passant : le la orc coute 29,50 ! Inflation msieu dames !
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Messages : 212
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2008
Age : 27
Localisation : loin...

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeLun 14 Fév - 13:52

c un autre genre de LA
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Messages : 124
Date d'inscription : 14/05/2010
Localisation : tourlaville

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeJeu 24 Fév - 20:32


Dernière édition par Kolera le Ven 13 Juin - 1:20, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 212
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2008
Age : 27
Localisation : loin...

Orcs Et Gobelins Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orcs Et Gobelins   Orcs Et Gobelins Icon_minitimeVen 25 Fév - 17:52

Effectivement , la figurine a un probleme à l'aisselle droite .
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